The Country Girl® Blog

Summer Country Music Festivals By: Lyndsay Surkosky
Summer is right around the corner… is there anything better than going to a country concert in the summer? The warm sun and the summer breeze with the sounds of country music. Summer music festivals provide a unique experience to...
Zach Bryan Concert - State College, PA By: Lyndsay Surkosky
* Photo credit: Jackson Ranger. All rights reserved. Music has a unique power to express culture and create lasting memories. Recently, I had the privilege to attend a Zach Bryan concert in my college town. It was such an unforgettable...
Styling a Graphic Tee Shirt
In fashion, there is a timeless appeal to the rustic charm of country inspired clothing. Whether you are a born and raised country girl or just admire the laid back look from a graphic tee from Country Girl. These graphics...
Watch Thomas Rhett Do The Cornhole Challenge
Thomas Rhett made a visit to the CMT Hot 20 last week for a small hosting gig. Much to his surprise, he was challenged to a game of Cornhole. Brett Eldredge held the record for the highest score with 34...
Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley Greatest Host Moments
With the CMA Awards rapidly approaching hosts Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley give us a look at their blooper real. The CMA’s have been hosted by the duo for the last several years and are always prepared to give us...
Rest In Peace Merle
It’s a sad day for Country Music lovers. Country Music Legend Merle Haggard passed away today on his 79th birthday. The legendary singer, songwriter was battling pneumonia and died in hospice care. We’ve compiled several videos of the Country Music Hall...
Why I’m Thankful To Be A Country Girl
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What are YOUR Top 10 Best Country Songs of All Time?
If you do a Google search for the top country songs of all time, you will find a multitude of articles from various sources. Not all of the lists referenced below are of the same length, so we will only...
New Blog Test
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